March 4, 2019

Need help rendering those medical digital files into word documents? Wasting time, trying to find the best transcription solution it the market? Why not hire the experts to take care of this for you. Don’t know where to start looking? Here’s a list of tips you should keep in mind when you look for the transcription service that’s right for you:

  • Get Quality While we all love the idea of being able to cut down on costs, you wouldn’t want to compromise on quality just to achieve that. Quality that’s less than stellar detracts from the value of your service, whether as a doctor with your own private practice or a physician for healthcare Don’t compromise on standards to cut corners and save on a few dollars in the process. Getting top transcription services, especially for  pain management  materials, is worth it. With quality services, you inspire the trust and confidence of your clients or patients, both of which are crucial in helping you establish long-term business relationships.
  • Choose Pricing that’s Reasonable. You know going for the lowest-priced service will hardly work to your advantage. Low prices often indicate shoddy transcription quality. So if you’re thinking you’re saving up by getting a service that charges for less, you might just be setting yourself up for repeats and revisions in the long run. Those costs can add up and make you wish you’d gone for a different service. However, there’s no reason to break the bank too. Simply find a comfortable average or compromise between what you need and what your wallet wants and you’re good to go. The key to pulling that off? Do your research. Compare transcription services online. Call them up or ask around. When you’ve compiled a list, narrow it down should be easy. Just make sure to go for what’s reasonable, instead of automatically going for the lowest-priced service.
  • Hire Experience. Make sure the company’s medical transcriptionist and editor have the necessary training to help you. Transcriptionists and editors need to have the proper qualifications and right credentials before they can start. That way, you can avoid any downtime and get your operations running in no time. After all, backlogs cost money. That’s why hiring someone with experience often trumps the prospect of having to train newbies and show them the ropes. While investing in employees this way can bring excellent long-term results, if your business is at a flashpoint or you simply can’t afford to set aside time to train your staff any time soon, then hiring someone with experience ticks off all the boxes in your checklist.
  • Speedy Delivery Matters Make sure to check turnaround times. Does the transcription service take too long? Maybe you can talk it out with them. If that’s not possible or adjustments to the process can’t be made, then maybe it’s better if you look elsewhere.
  • Pick Accurate. Make sure the medical records are 100 percent accurate. That’s one of the major value propositions of transcription services: zero inaccuracies. Because a single inaccurate data could put business negotiations on hold and generally make a lasting impression on clients or patients in the worst way. So when you go pick a transcription service, make sure you’re picking one that demonstrates a long and solid commitment to delivering content that’s as accurate as possible.
  • Ask After Format-Compliancy. Also, don’t forget to ask if the content is HIPAA compliant. How many formats can they work with? Do they offer AVI and ASF or also have ASX, DIC, MPG, RM and SWF available? Making sure they’re compatible with the formats and materials you work with is going to go a long way to ensuring you and that transcription service will enjoy a long professional relationship.

So whether you need someone to transcribe your medical notes or render your voice recordings into word files, make sure to always keep these qualities in mind.


At Eyered Transcription, we offer pain management transcription services, along with neurological and orthopedics transcription. We’ve been satisfying clients since 1999. Today, our team has over 300 medical transcriptionists and editors. We have 7 facilities in major cities around India that keep our people safe and our client’s information protected. We believe in delivering cost-effective, fast and accurate medical transcription services to our clients.


Scouting around for transcription services? Look no further. With our 7 day trial, you can see and experience for yourself how well we can work together. Our team of qualified and experienced professionals will provide you with services for the whole 7-day stretch, at no cost. So if you want to know how we can make a difference in your business, find out by taking part in this free trial.

By: Anna williams Category: blog


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